- Health

Tips to Prevent Acne Breakout

Since most of us are spending more time in front of gadgets or outdoors, our skin is getting exposed to excessive UV radiation and pollution. This results in uneven skin tones and most importantly, acne breakouts. No matter what we do, things do not seem to get better. Instead, the skin has escalated redness and flaking. To combat these, here are some tips you need to follow to lower your acne formation.

Keep the face clean

Even if you do not have acne, it is ideal to wash your face twice daily. This is how you will be able to remove the dirt, impurities, and dead skin cells from the skin’s surface. However, washing the face more than twice will do more harm than good. When washing, it is ideal to use warm water and a mild cleanser. Avoiding hot water and harsh cleansers is the biggest step to preventing acne. These will lead to irritated skin and more irritation.


Many acne products are produced in a way that they will leave your skin dried up and flaky. Hence, it is advised to use gel-based moisturizers after you have used these products. This will minimize skin peeling and also reduce the redness. You can pick the right moisturizer which is a perfect fit for your skin type.

Over-the-counter products

Over-the-counter acne products do not require prescriptions. They come in chemical compositions of salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid or lactic acid. This will prevent the bacteria growth but might dry up your skin. You need to start using the products in moderation and gradually increase the quantity. If you have a sensitive skin, consult the doctors before using them. 

Avoid makeup

When you are suffering from acne breakouts, it is better to stay away from makeup. Even if you use them, try removing them completely to avoid clogged pores. Try to avoid foundation, concealer, blush or powder. However, if you cannot go without them, avoid the ones which have added oils, chemicals, and dyes.

Take care of your hair

Do not use products with fragrances, oils, gels or pomades in your hair. They clog the skin pores once they fall on your face. This leads to skin irritation. Instead, use gentle shampoo and conditioners. Wash your hair often to prevent oiliness.

In case of excessive breakouts, you can go for acne treatments at Clinicare which are completely safe and affordable. 

About Van Rodgers

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